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Einfach mal drüberfliegen :>
vorneweg eine Liste der gängigsten Akronyme:
* IT - Icy Touch * BS - Blood Strike * PS - Plague Strike * HS - Heart Strike * FS - Frost Strike * SS - Scourge Strike * DS- Death Strike * OB - Obliterate * DRW - Dancing Rune Weapon * MoB - Mark of Blood * OaPH - On a Pale Horse * CF - Crypt Fever * EP - Ebon Plaguebringer * RoR - Rage of Rivendare * UB - Unholy Blight * DC - Death Coil * FF - Frost Fever * BP - Blood Plague * DG - Death Grip * MoG - Master of Ghouls * SD - Sudden Doom * MoM - Might of Mograine * BG - Blood Gorged * HB - Howling Blast * BotN - Blood of the North * GoG - Guile of Gorefiend * TS - Tundra Stalker * HC - Hungering Cold * CE - Corpse Explosion * SG - Summon Gargoyle * IBF - Icebound Fortitude * BT - Blood Tap * AMS - Anti-Magic Shell * AMZ - Anti-Magic Zone * ERW - Empower Rune Weapon * BB - Blood Boil * BCB - Blood-Caked Blade * AoD - Army of the Dead * DnD - Death and Decay * CoI - Chains of Ice * HoW - Horn of Winter * MF - Mind Freeze * SG - Strangulate * Pest - Pestilence * UA - Unbreakable Armor * BS - Bone Shield ::) * DP - Death Pact * CE - Corpse Explosion
1. Runen
Der Runen CD
Die Runen haben grundsätzlich einen CD von 10 sec. (pro Rune). Jedoch hat man noch folgendes herausgefunden: Zitat: It was always assumed that Runes just had a pure 10 second regen time. This has proven to be false from various tests. The behaviour that has been noted is that after the first set of runes very often runes regen after 8 seconds. The current concensus is the following:
Runes have a 10 second regen time. However, if you do not use your regenerated rune as soon as it comes up, it will activate a timer (up to 2 seconds, is the current theory) which will count as the Rune being used.
Bsp: Time Ability Regen time Runes 00:00:00 Icy Touch BBFUU 00:10:00 10s BBFFUU 00:11:50 Icy Touch BBFUU 00:20:00 8.5s BBFFUU
Because you waited 1.5s after the rune was available to use the second frost rune, it's regen time was reduced to 8.5s. Do note, if you wait longer than 2 seconds the above does not apply.
2. Runic Power
Skills die 1 Rune verbrauchen = 10 RP Skills die 2 Runen verbrauchen = 15 RP Skills die 3 Runen verbrauchen = 20 RP
Es gibt ausserdem 4 Talente die die RP generation beeinflussen:
Butchery, Scent of Blood, Chill of the Grave und Dirge
* Butchery Gives us an additional .2/.4 RP/s, the secondary effect is hard to model for obvious reasons so we will ignore it for the time being because against raid bosses and even most arena environments this effect will be largely unimportant. * Scent of Blood Gives us an additional .25/.5/.75 RP/s this is also hard to surely model since it has an cooldown and requires you to be hit, but for maximum study purposes we'll assume that it procs exactly every 20 seconds. * Dirge Gives us an additional .5/1 RP/s. A way to view this and Chill of the Grave is that it gives you additional RP when you use Unholy and Frost runes respectively. * Chill of the Grave Gives us an additional .5/1 RP/s. The only note here is that Death Strike is not included in this talent so a frost build using Death strike hampers it's RP generation.
Max RP/s for Tree centric talent builds without Death Runes:
Zitat: Hit needed for special attack hit cap at level 80: 9% (special attack base misschance) needed, or 9 x 32.79 = 295.11 rating.
As for Spell Hit, only Icy Touch, Howling Blast and Death Coil use Spell Hit cap to check if they will miss or not. If you pick up Virulence from Unholy, the spell hit will be attained by simply being Special Attack capped (assuming you have Misery) 17% (base miss chance) - 3% (Misery) - 3% (Virulence) = 11% needed from gear, or 11 x 26.23 = 288.53 rating.
Virulence is worth 78.69 Hit. So you need 367.22 Hit rating to be capped with spells if you are not specced for Virulence. It's another 78.69 Hit if you are missing Misery.
Mit der Draenei Aura nochmal 1% weniger.
Alle unsere Skills skalieren mit AP (1Str=2AP). Den effektiven dmg unserer Fähigkeiten kann man ganz leicht ausrechnen:
G + (K x AP) = D
G = Grundschaden der Fähigkeit K = Koeffizient AP = Attack Power D = Dmg
Koeffizient Liste:
Ability Coefficient Blood Boil 0.04 Blood Plague 0.055 Bloodworms 0.006 Corpse Explosion 0.0475 Death and Decay 0.0475 Death Coil 0.15 Frost Fever 0.055 Howling Blast 0.1 Summon Gargoyle 0.4 Icy Touch 0.1 Pestilence 0.04 Strangulate 0.06 Unholy Blight 0.013